1) MCU Two APOLLO l2 Astronauts suited up, entering scene through scene through doorway in FG, one leaves scene L U.S. UPS. flag is sewn on shoulder of man in FG. G 2) CU Astronaut crawling into space craft; technicians seen at R. G-F 3) SV Astronaut suited up; technicians in white gown and skull caps seen in BG. G 4) ECU Plastic bubble helmet worn by Astronaut. G 5) MS Technicians in white gathered around Astronaut. 6) CU Small American flag sewn on shoulder of space suit; PAN up to show helmet. G 7) SV Technicians in white around Astronauts; they remove coverings from man's feet, man crawls into space capsule. G-F 8) CU Two technicians, one seen kneeling in hatchway of capsule. F 9) MS Technicians in street clothes, seated at consoles in block house. (SV) (DA) G-F talking with technician; CU of men's faces. G-VG 11) SV Technicians at consoles. G-F 12) MCU Astronaut Alan SHEPARD talking with BEAN; technicians seen nearby. G 13) SV Technicians operating console controls during launch training. G- F 14) SV PAN view, technicians seated at circular table, taking notes. G 15) HA MS Technicians seated at console controls. (SV) (DA) G 16) MS General view, two Astronauts seated on couches; technicians in white seen working on astronauts. G-F 17) CU Technician placing band on wrist of Astronaut. G 18) SV Astronaut Charles CONRAD, suited up, minus helmet. G 19) SV SHEPARD, holding map, briefing Astronaut Richard GORDON, seen seated in chair suited up, minus helmet. G 20) SV CONRAD in chair suited up, minus helmet; GORDON seen in BG, suiting up. G 21) CU Technicians working on unidentified instrument. G 22) ECU Hands, a head, unidentified objects inside capsule; technicians nearby (SV) G 23) CU Astronaut lying horizontally on couch in capsule. G 24) CU PAN view, Astronauts in capsule during training. G 25) SV Technicians, in white outfits, working with instruments and gear used in raining. F-G #SUBJT= PERS.,Astrnauts, (Bean/Conrad/Gorden/Shepard)